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Founded by Dr. Emily McKnight, the iWait lifestyle app is a virtual platform that provides
Founded by Dr. Emily McKnight, the iWait lifestyle app is a virtual platform that provides

The iWait app provides virtual coaching, education, and accountability to singles and couples practicing sexual abstinence until marriage, delivered by certified married couples turned coaches who’ve experienced it themselves.

Meet the Founder


Founded by Dr. Emily McKnight, the iWait lifestyle app is a virtual platform that provides quality relationship coaching services to individuals and couples seeking to or practicing sexual abstinence until marriage.


Affectionately known as “Dr. Em,” Dr. Emily McKnight is an applied researcher and executive dating and relationship coach. Leveraging her 15 years of research, other empirical evidence, and first-hand experience, she teaches, mentors, and coaches singles on dating and relationship practices that set the foundation for Kingdom marriage. Dr. Em resides in Dallas, Texas, with her husband of eight years and their four children, Emani (24) (and son-in-law Julian), Kennedy (16), Devin Lawson (6), and Eden (4).

Founded by Dr. Emily McKnight, the iWait lifestyle app is a virtual platform that provides
Founded by Dr. Emily McKnight, the iWait lifestyle app is a virtual platform that provides

Meet the Coaches


Aaron and Lindsey, both 34, have been together "all their lives." The couple crossed paths at 12 and, believing their love was God-destined, began their courtship at 15. Aaron always admired Lindsey’s determination, and she loved how comfortable she was with him.  The two, who attended the same church and were active members, always had so much in common, from their religious homes to how their families were designed (both lived with parents who’d had children before marriage and older siblings whom both had children in their teens). And as much as they were alike, Aaron and Lindsey had their differences, too....

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